mightypy.ml package#
Module contents#
- class DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth: int = 100, min_samples_split: int = 2, criteria: str = 'gini')[source]#
Decision Tree Based Classification Model
- Parameters:
- predict(X: ndarray | list) ndarray [source]#
predict classification results
- Parameters:
X (Union[np.ndarray,list]) – testing matrix.
- Raises:
ValueError – input X can only be a list or numpy array.
- Returns:
results of classification.
- Return type:
- predict_probability(X: ndarray | list) ndarray | dict [source]#
predict classfication probabilities
- Parameters:
X (Union[np.ndarray,list]) – testing matrix.
- Raises:
ValueError – input X can only be a list or numpy array.
- Returns:
probabity results of classification.
- Return type:
Union[np.ndarray, dict]
- class DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth: int = 10, min_samples_split: int = 3, criteria: str = 'variance')[source]#
Decision Tree Based Regression Model
- Parameters:
- predict(X: ndarray, mean_preds: bool = True) ndarray [source]#
predict regresssion :param X: testing matrix. :type X: np.ndarray :param mean_preds: do the mean of prediction values. Defaults to True. :type mean_preds: bool
- Raises:
ValueError – X should be list or numpy array
- Returns:
regression prediction.
- Return type:
- print_tree(node: Node | None = None, spacing: str = '|-', mean_preds: bool = True) None [source]#
print the tree
- class LassoRegression(alpha: float = 0.01, iterations: int = 10000)[source]#
Lasso Regression Model Class (L1 Regularization)
- Parameters:
- property cost_history: list | None#
cost learning history
- Returns:
cost history list
- Return type:
Union[list, None]
- predict(X: ndarray) ndarray [source]#
generate prediction
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – input feature matrix
- Raises:
ValueError – if shape is not proper for the input feature
Warning – if model is not trained yet
- Returns:
predicted values
- Return type:
- property theta: ndarray | None#
property theta
- Returns:
theta matrix
- Return type:
Union[np.ndarray, None]
- property theta_history: list | None#
theta training history
- Returns:
theta history list
- Return type:
Union[list, None]
- train(X: ndarray, y: ndarray, verbose: bool = True, method: str = 'SGD', theta_precision: float = 0.001, penalty: int | float = 1.0, batch_size: int = 30) None [source]#
train model /theta estimator
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – X matrix/feature matrix.
y (np.ndarray) – y matrix/target matrix.
verbose (bool, optional) – print things. Defaults to True.
method (str, optional) –
training method. Defaults to “SGD”.
- Available-
“BGD”(Batch Graident Descent), “SGD”(Stochastic Gradient Descent)
theta_precision (float, optional) – theta initialization value precision. Defaults to 0.001.
penalty (Union[float, int], optional) – regularization penalty. Defaults to 1.0.
batch_size (int, optional) – batch size only for BGD. Defaults to 30.
- class LinearRegression(alpha: float = 0.01, iterations: int = 10000)[source]#
Linear Regression Model Class
- Parameters:
- property cost_history: list | None#
cost learning history
- Returns:
cost history list
- Return type:
Union[list, None]
- predict(X: ndarray) ndarray [source]#
generate prediction
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – input feature matrix
- Raises:
ValueError – if shape is not proper for the input feature
Warning – if model is not trained yet
- Returns:
predicted values
- Return type:
- property theta: ndarray | None#
property theta
- Returns:
theta matrix
- Return type:
Union[np.ndarray, None]
- property theta_history: list | None#
theta training history
- Returns:
theta history list
- Return type:
Union[list, None]
- train(X: ndarray, y: ndarray, verbose: bool = True, method: str = 'SGD', theta_precision: float = 0.001, batch_size: int = 30) None [source]#
train model /theta estimator
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – X matrix/feature matrix.
y (np.ndarray) – y matrix/target matrix.
verbose (bool, optional) – print things. Defaults to True.
method (str, optional) –
training method. Defaults to “SGD”.
- Available-
“BGD”(Batch Graident Descent), “SGD”(Stochastic Gradient Descent), “NORMAL”(Normal Equation)
theta_precision (float, optional) – theta initialization value precision. Defaults to 0.001.
batch_size (int, optional) – batch size only for BGD. Defaults to 30.
- class LogisticRegression(alpha: float = 0.01, iterations: int = 10000)[source]#
Logisitic Regression Model Class
- Parameters:
- property cost_history: list | None#
cost learning history
- Returns:
cost history list
- Return type:
Union[list, None]
- predict(X: ndarray) ndarray [source]#
generate prediction
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – input feature matrix
- Raises:
ValueError – if shape is not proper for the input feature
Warning – if model is not trained yet
- Returns:
predicted values
- Return type:
- property theta: ndarray | None#
property theta
- Returns:
theta matrix
- Return type:
Union[np.ndarray, None]
- property theta_history: list | None#
theta training history
- Returns:
theta history list
- Return type:
Union[list, None]
- train(X: ndarray, y: ndarray, verbose: bool = True, method: str = 'SGD', theta_precision: float = 0.001, batch_size: int = 30, regularization: bool = False, penalty: float | int = 1.0) None [source]#
train theta / estimator
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – X matrix/feature matrix.
y (np.ndarray) – y matrix/target matrix.
verbose (bool, optional) – print things. Defaults to True.
method (str, optional) –
training method. Defaults to “SGD”.
- Available-
“BGD”(Batch Graident Descent), “SGD”(Stochastic Gradient Descent)
theta_precision (float, optional) – theta initialization value precision. Defaults to 0.001.
batch_size (int, optional) – batch size only for BGD. Defaults to 30.
regularization (bool, optional) – Apply Regularization. Defaults to False.
penalty (Union[float, int], optional) – regularization penalty only works for regularization=True. Defaults to 1.0.
- class RandomForestClassifier(num_of_trees: int = 25, min_features: int | None = None, max_depth: int = 50, min_samples_split: int = 2, criteria: str = 'gini')[source]#
Ensemble method for classification
using a bunch of Decision Tree’s to do to the classification.
- Parameters:
num_of_trees (int, optional) – number of trees in ensemble. Defaults to 50.
min_features (int, optional) – minimum number of features to use in every tree. Defaults to None.
max_depth (int, optional) – max depth of the every tree. Defaults to 100.
min_samples_split (int, optional) – minimum size ofsampels to split. Defaults to 2.
criteria (str, optional) – criteria to calcualte information gain. Defaults to ‘gini’.
- predict(X: ndarray) ndarray [source]#
predict results
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – test matrix.
- Raises:
ValueError – X should be list or numpy array.
- Returns:
prediction results.
- Return type:
- class RandomForestRegressor(num_of_trees: int = 25, min_features: int | None = None, max_depth: int = 30, min_samples_split: int = 3, criteria: str = 'variance')[source]#
Ensemble method for regression
using a bunch of Decision Tree’s to do to the regression.
- Parameters:
num_of_trees (int, optional) – number of trees in ensemble. Defaults to 50.
min_features (int, optional) – minimum number of features to use in every tree. Defaults to None.
max_depth (int, optional) – max depth of the every tree. Defaults to 100.
min_samples_split (int, optional) – minimum size ofsampels to split. Defaults to 2.
criteria (str, optional) – criteria to calcualte information gain. Defaults to ‘gini’.
- predict(X: ndarray | list) ndarray [source]#
predict regression result
- Parameters:
X (Union[np.ndarray, list]) – test matrix.
- Raises:
ValueError – X should be list or numpy array.
- Returns:
regression results.
- Return type:
- class RidgeRegression(alpha: float = 0.01, iterations: int = 10000)[source]#
Ridge Regression Model Class (L2 Regularization)
- Parameters:
- property cost_history: list | None#
cost learning history
- Returns:
cost history list
- Return type:
Union[list, None]
- predict(X: ndarray) ndarray [source]#
generate prediction
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – input feature matrix
- Raises:
ValueError – if shape is not proper for the input feature
Warning – if model is not trained yet
- Returns:
predicted values
- Return type:
- property theta: ndarray | None#
property theta
- Returns:
theta matrix
- Return type:
Union[np.ndarray, None]
- property theta_history: list | None#
theta training history
- Returns:
theta history list
- Return type:
Union[list, None]
- train(X: ndarray, y: ndarray, verbose: bool = True, method: str = 'SGD', theta_precision: float = 0.001, penalty: float | int = 1.0, batch_size: int = 30) None [source]#
train model /theta estimator
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – X matrix/feature matrix.
y (np.ndarray) – y matrix/target matrix.
verbose (bool, optional) – print things. Defaults to True.
method (str, optional) –
training method. Defaults to “SGD”.
- Available-
“BGD”(Batch Graident Descent), “SGD”(Stochastic Gradient Descent), “NORMAL”(Normal Equation)
theta_precision (float, optional) – theta initialization value precision. Defaults to 0.001.
penalty (Union[float, int], optional) – regularization penalty. Defaults to 1.0.
batch_size (int, optional) – batch size only for BGD. Defaults to 30.
- moving_window_matrix(arr: ndarray, window: int, lag: int = 1) ndarray [source]#
Create Moving Window matrix for 1D data.
More details on this function. https://machinelearningexploration.readthedocs.io/en/latest/MathExploration/MovingWindow.html
- Parameters:
- Returns:
transformed matrix.
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – input array shape should be 1D like (m,).
AssertionError – length of array should be greater than window size and lag.
>>> a = np.random.rand(100) >>> print(moving_window_matrix(a, 20, 2))
- polynomial_regression(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, degree: int) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray] [source]#
fit Regression line with polynomial degree.
- Parameters:
x (np.ndarray) – independent variable.
y (np.ndarray) – dependent variable.
degree (int) – polynomial degree.
- Returns:
slope, residual, fitline.
- Return type:
Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> x = np.arange(-10, 10) >>> y = x**2 + x**3 >>> s, r, l = polynomial_regression(x, y, 3) >>> plt.plot(x, y, 'ko', label='original') >>> plt.plot(x, l, '.-', label='regression line') >>> plt.legend() >>> plt.show()
- sigmoid(val: ndarray) ndarray [source]#
Sigmoid function
\[f(z) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}}\]- Parameters:
val (ndarray) – input value
- Returns:
sigmoid value
- Return type:
- trend(x: ndarray, y: ndarray) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray] [source]#
get trend of the data.
- Parameters:
x (np.ndarray) – independent variable.
y (np.ndarray) – dependent variable.
- Returns:
slope, residual, trendline.
- Return type:
Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
- Examples;
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) >>> y = np.array([1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10]) >>> s, r, t = trend(x, y) >>> plt.plot(x, y, 'o', label='original') >>> plt.plot(x, t, '.-', label='regression line') >>> plt.legend() >>> plt.show()